Choose Nutrition to Boost Your Immune System

Every day, we hear about some ingredient or substance that research has shown to be toxic or harmful to our bodies. For some of us, the effects are readily apparent. For example, I know people who get headaches every time they consume aspartame. Some people struggle with allergy symptoms constantly. Still others seem prone to catching all the cold or flu viruses that pass by.
You may be one the rare lucky ones. You regularly consume peanuts with their moldy skins, chemical preservatives, artificial sweeteners and even gluten products with no apparent symptoms. You go about your life worry-free about the specific food choices you make. Your work out regularly and you are fit and strong.
Meanwhile, inside your body, a war is waging. When you eat the first toxic substance, like those moldy peanuts, your immune system reacts immediately. Your body sends white blood cells, enzymes and everything else in its arsenal to prevent the toxin from damaging your cells. Then you add chemicals and gluten and the next wave of internal battles ensues.
Eventually, you add an overload of sugar and starch and your metabolism goes into overload. You're one of the smarter ones and you use sugar substitutes so you can continue to enjoy sweet tasting foods. Unfortunately, your body still recognizes these as sugar and it generates an insulin response, just as it does with real sugar.
As the battle wages, the food you eat to nourish your body is not getting the attention it deserves. Your system is so busy digesting and neutralizing toxins that it cannot properly convert nutrients to support your immune system, cellular health and other bodily functions. Somehow, you are miraculously fighting off all of these substances with no apparent side effects.
Imagine then, if something a lot more challenging arrives on the scene in the middle of this war that has taxed all of your resources. Instead of limiting its intake, this thing is alive and it desires to inhabit your body and convert your DNA to its own format. Left unchecked, it will replicate rapidly and destroy your cells in the process. Yes, that is exactly how a virus operates.
Like viruses, bacteria are also alive and desire to replicate rapidly. Many of these harmful bacteria feed on the sugars that are abundant in the digestive tract and blood stream. The result is inflammation and infections that can be difficult to control.
While we are on the subject of sugars, they are feeding the growth of fungi, candida and even cancer cells in your body. Here comes another layer of living toxic organisms determined to feed on the substances you consume and fight for their own preservation, not yours.
An over-taxed immune system will buckle at the arrival of any of these living organisms. This is not a fair fight. You didn't even know that you created the setting for the fight by eating those toxins and the sugars to feed the pathogenic organisms. Sometimes the damage done by these organisms can take years to show up. By then, the damage is extensive and may be extremely difficult to overcome.
The good news is that you can avoid much of this battle. You control the amount of the toxins in your body by choosing to consume them. Throttle back the intake and the immune system has to work a little less to maintain your healthy balance. Eliminate them, even for a brief period and your immune system takes a rest.
Shift your diet plan to a nutritional approach. Consciously decide what to eat at every meal for its nutritional value first, not simply what you think tastes good. Your immune system and your digestive system will reward you by warding off those dangerous living organisms.
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